Third Party Terms
Conversant Group, LLC, and its affiliates, including Grypho5, LLC and Athena7, LLC, regularly provision customers with software, hardware, and other technology including SaaS solutions from third parties (all together, “Third-Party Products”), whose terms and conditions apply to the purchase and use of those Third-Party Products. You routinely see such terms when you open a new software service on a new computer, for example. Conversant Group is not permitted to negotiate or modify those terms. Depending upon your order or Quote, various Third-Party Products may be included, and the links to the applicable terms and conditions are below. For all of these products, Conversant did not design or manufacture the Third-Party Products and Conversant is not responsible for any warranty, indemnity, or the product’s creation, bugs, or performance. (For warranties concerning Conversant’s own service, see your MSPA / Master Service and Purchase Agreement.) Below is a list of EULAs (End User License Agreements) that apply to the named companies’ products; by proceeding with your purchase, you have agreed that these terms and conditions apply to your purchase and use of those Third-Party Products.
If you have any questions about this page or the links here, feel free to contact your sales professional or